

Demand response is an umbrella term encompassing a customer’s ability to reduce its energy usage in response to several signals. 的se signals could be from the power grid itself, such as a reliability issue. 还有定价信号, which consumers can use to reduce their energy usage when energy prices are high. 有了正确的回应, the reductions made by customers are 本质上 the equivalent of the power that an energy-generating plant would create.

Keeping demand and supply in balance is important to the entire energy grid. 不幸的是, customers tend to be unresponsive to high prices—perhaps even insulated from the shifting prices altogether due to their supply agreements. As a result, when demand is high, power plants must be ramped up to serve the increase in demand. Through demand response, customers can simply reduce their usage. This helps balance out the demand and supply without having to call upon the less efficient power plants.

Customers can lower the short-term consumption in response to one of these signals by, 例如, 稍微调整一下大楼的设定温度, 在阳光明媚的日子调暗公共区域的照明, 或者关掉不必要的设施,比如喷泉. 的se modest changes can result in significant reductions in energy usage without inconveniencing tenants.

Demand response transactions are handled through an entity authorized by the federal government to act as a neutral and independent coordinator to move and trade 批发电力. 这些实体被称为 区域传播组织(RTO).

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 buildings are in the territory covered by the PJM Interconnection, 覆盖特拉华州的全部或部分地区, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 肯塔基州, 马里兰, 密歇根, 新泽西, 北卡罗莱纳, 俄亥俄州, 宾西法尼亚, 田纳西州, 维吉尼亚州, 西弗吉尼亚州和哥伦比亚特区.

PJM breaks down its demand response markets into two broad classifications: economic and emergency. A customer may participate in either or both, depending on their circumstances.


紧急需求响应, 也称为“容量”,” is a commitment that a customer makes to reduce its load or only consumer a certain amount of electricity when PJM requires emergency assistance to maintain the grid. Examples of emergency conditions include capacity shortages, hot weather, or a power plant failures.

的re are three specific types of emergency demand response programs:

  • 有限的需求反应, where a customer agrees to be available for 10 weekdays from June through September (up to six hours for a given day);
  • 延长夏季需求响应, which requires customers to be available for an unlimited number of days between May through October for up to 10 hours at a time; and
  • Annual Demand Response, where a customer is available for every day of the year.

的se emergency resources are treated just like power plants; PJM completely relies upon their demand response performance when the grid most needs it. Customers who make themselves available through these emergency markets are paid by PJM simply to be available during any expected emergency conditions. But if a customer fails to reduce its load when called upon, 客户可能会面临PJM的重大处罚.

Another way customers can participate in emergency demand response is on a voluntary basis, where the customer chooses to reduce its load when an emergency event is called. If the customer can successfully reduce its load and measure its reduction, PJM将支付客户自愿参与的费用.


在经济方面的需求响应计划, PJM offers voluntary programs that allow customers to reduce their load and realize new revenue streams through several markets. 其中包括能源市场, 同步储备市场, 日前调度储备市场, 及规管市场. PJM pays customers for their responses based on the specific market.


PJM的 能源市场 需求响应的最基本形式是什么. It allows customer to voluntarily respond to PJM的 prices by reducing their consumption when it makes economic sense (i.e., when the net benefits of the reduction exceed the costs of the reduction itself). Customers who reduce their usage sufficiently and measurably will receive a payment for their reduction.


的 同步储备市场 is designed to supply electricity to the grid if there is an unexpected need for more power on a short notice. Customers submit specific offers to reduce their energy notice quickly—PJM requires customers to reduce their consumption in the 同步储备市场 within 10 minutes of a PJM dispatch.

Customers who wish to supply synchronized reserve through demand response must have the appropriate metering infrastructure in place to verify their response down to one-minute intervals and comply with PJM的 rules and requirements.


提前一天调度储备 is a market-based mechanism designed to supply 30-minute “reserves” on the PJM system. PJM requires this do be done within a half-hour of a PJM dispatch. 的 market provides a pricing method and price signals that encourage customers to schedule additional capacity that will not be used the following day.


监管 service corrects for short-term changes in electricity use that may affect the stability of the power grid. 规管市场, 本质上, helps match the power that is being generated with the power that is being consumed, 所以这是来自客户的持续响应. Demand response customers utilizing regulation service adjust their consumption to help maintain the grid’s ideal frequency.